You, as a human Man, were meant to consciously activate the energy sources of your feelings around the time you finished high school in order to access your ability to fly.
Instead you were initiated into a culture of numbness. Instead you learned to unconsciously participate in repressing your anger, holding resentment, causing pain, abuse and war with yourself and others. The wide adoption of the culture of numbness you inhabit is why life on Earth is being destroyed at the fastest possible rate.
You might be asking yourself, ‘why is it happening this way?’
A more interesting question is, ‘what can I do about it?’
Most will say, “Nothing. Just enjoy it before you die.” The perfect recipe for more of the same.
Maybe you’re pissed off enough at this point to try something different.
I hope you are because Rage Club is exactly for that. It is for turning on the power of your conscious feelings so that you can live a life you are proud of and that will create the possibility of a different outcome for the generations to come. It is for discovering what you are really pissed off about and getting the tools to do something about it.
Will you join me to fight for aliveness together with Men?
This gathering will take place on ZOOM
September 20, 2024 @ 15:30-17:30 CET (11:30-13:30 EST)
The entry fee is £/€/$20
To register and receive the Zoom link contact:
Matin Beemaan at +447498963187
Jeffrey Shub at +17875254742