Virtual Events
(all event times are listed in Eastern US Time Zone)
Intro to RAGE CLUB for Men #5
You, as a human Man, were meant to consciously activate the energy sources of your feelings around the time you finished high school in order to access your ability to fly.
Instead you were initiated into a culture of numbness. Instead you learned to unconsciously participate in repressing your anger, holding resentment, causing pain, abuse and war with yourself and others. The wide adoption of the culture of numbness you inhabit is why life on Earth is being destroyed at the fastest possible rate.
You might be asking yourself, ‘why is it happening this way?’
A more interesting question is, ‘what can I do about it?’
Most will say, “Nothing. Just enjoy it before you die.” The perfect recipe for more of the same.
Maybe you’re pissed off enough at this point to try something different.
I hope you are because Rage Club is exactly for that. It is for turning on the power of your conscious feelings so that you can live a life you are proud of and that will create the possibility of a different outcome for the generations to come. It is for discovering what you are really pissed off about and getting the tools to do something about it.
Will you join me to fight for aliveness together with Men?
This gathering will take place on ZOOM
October 11, 2024 @ 17:30-19:30 CET (11:30-13:30 EST)
The entry fee is 20 £/€/$
To register and receive the Zoom link contact:
Axios Papaflessas at +12625101790
Matin Beemaan at +447498963187
Jeffrey Shub at +17875254742
Intro to RAGE CLUB for Men #4
You, as a human Man, were meant to consciously activate the energy sources of your feelings around the time you finished high school in order to access your ability to fly.
Instead you were initiated into a culture of numbness. Instead you learned to unconsciously participate in repressing your anger, holding resentment, causing pain, abuse and war with yourself and others. The wide adoption of the culture of numbness you inhabit is why life on Earth is being destroyed at the fastest possible rate.
You might be asking yourself, ‘why is it happening this way?’
A more interesting question is, ‘what can I do about it?’
Most will say, “Nothing. Just enjoy it before you die.” The perfect recipe for more of the same.
Maybe you’re pissed off enough at this point to try something different.
I hope you are because Rage Club is exactly for that. It is for turning on the power of your conscious feelings so that you can live a life you are proud of and that will create the possibility of a different outcome for the generations to come. It is for discovering what you are really pissed off about and getting the tools to do something about it.
Will you join me to fight for aliveness together with Men?
This gathering will take place on ZOOM
October 4, 2024 @ 15:30-17:30 CET (11:30-13:30 EST)
The entry fee is £/€/$20
To register and receive the Zoom link contact:
Matin Beemaan at +447498963187
Axios Papaflessas at +1 262 510 1790
Jeffrey Shub at +17875254742
Intro to RAGE CLUB for Men #3
You, as a human Man, were meant to consciously activate the energy sources of your feelings around the time you finished high school in order to access your ability to fly.
Instead you were initiated into a culture of numbness. Instead you learned to unconsciously participate in repressing your anger, holding resentment, causing pain, abuse and war with yourself and others. The wide adoption of the culture of numbness you inhabit is why life on Earth is being destroyed at the fastest possible rate.
You might be asking yourself, ‘why is it happening this way?’
A more interesting question is, ‘what can I do about it?’
Most will say, “Nothing. Just enjoy it before you die.” The perfect recipe for more of the same.
Maybe you’re pissed off enough at this point to try something different.
I hope you are because Rage Club is exactly for that. It is for turning on the power of your conscious feelings so that you can live a life you are proud of and that will create the possibility of a different outcome for the generations to come. It is for discovering what you are really pissed off about and getting the tools to do something about it.
Will you join me to fight for aliveness together with Men?
This gathering will take place on ZOOM
September 20, 2024 @ 15:30-17:30 CET (11:30-13:30 EST)
The entry fee is £/€/$20
To register and receive the Zoom link contact:
Matin Beemaan at +447498963187
Jeffrey Shub at +17875254742
Intro to White Widow Decontamination
a space for Men to discover and share about their
sexual energy survival strategies
Intro to RAGE CLUB for Men #2
You, as a human Man, were meant to consciously activate the energy sources of your feelings around the time you finished high school in order to access your ability to fly.
Instead you were initiated into a culture of numbness. Instead you learned to unconsciously participate in repressing your anger, holding resentment, causing pain, abuse and war with yourself and others. The wide adoption of the culture of numbness you inhabit is why life on Earth is being destroyed at the fastest possible rate.
You might be asking yourself, ‘why is it happening this way?’
A more interesting question is, ‘what can I do about it?’
Most will say, “Nothing. Just enjoy it before you die.” The perfect recipe for more of the same.
Maybe you’re pissed off enough at this point to try something different.
I hope you are because Rage Club is exactly for that. It is for turning on the power of your conscious feelings so that you can live a life you are proud of and that will create the possibility of a different outcome for the generations to come. It is for discovering what you are really pissed off about and getting the tools to do something about it.
Will you join me to fight for aliveness together with Men?
This gathering will take place on ZOOM
September 13, 2024 @ 15:30-17:30 CET (11:30-13:30 EST)
The entry fee is £/€/$20
To register and receive the Zoom link contact:
Matin Beemaan at +447498963187
Jeffrey Shub at +17875254742
Intro to RAGE CLUB for Men
Intro to Rage Club for Men
You, as a human Man, were meant to consciously activate the energy sources of your feelings around the time you finished high school in order to access your ability to fly.
Instead you were initiated into a culture of numbness. Instead you learned to unconsciously participate in repressing your anger, holding resentment, causing pain, abuse and war with yourself and others. The wide adoption of the culture of numbness you inhabit is why life on Earth is being destroyed at the fastest possible rate.
You might be asking yourself, ‘why is it happening this way?’
A more interesting question is, ‘what can I do about it?’
Most will say, “Nothing. Just enjoy it before you die.” The perfect recipe for more of the same.
Maybe you’re pissed off enough at this point to try something different.
I hope you are because Rage Club is exactly for that. It is for turning on the power of your conscious feelings so that you can live a life you are proud of and that will create the possibility of a different outcome for the generations to come. It is for discovering what you are really pissed off about and getting the tools to do something about it.
Will you join me to fight for aliveness together with Men?
This gathering will take place on ZOOM
September 6, 2024 @ 18:30-20:30 UK time
The entry fee is £20
To register and receive the Zoom link contact:
Matin Beemaan at +447498963187
Jeffrey Shub at +17875254742
Your presence is missing in this world. It is time to take back your power. It starts here. Accompany us and other men on the journey to take back your anger.
a weekly, online journey for couples to discover more about their shared culture, values, and agreements. This will be held on zoom for 2 hours, once per week.
It’s Time for a Relation/Shift
Will you commit to having a different kind of date night with your partner once a week? Gather with other couples online to discover the magic of the culture that you two uniquely embody.
This is an introduction session for the 12wk journey where you will research and document a living set of intentions, values and agreements for your relating space.
Monday, January 8 @ 7-9p Eastern US timezone
Investment: $20 per couple
Register with us!
Jacqueline: +1 908 268 4707
Jeff: +1 787 525 4742
Relating on the Bridge
A worktalk exploring how romance happens for edgeworkers, bridgewalkers, and gameworld builders.
This space will be a gentle introduction into the territory of the emotional body.
As the holidays approach, the topic of family becomes very loud, almost blaring. Every conversation seems to be about the things that come up when we go back to that from which we came.
So, here is a space to connect, share, experiment, and rewrite some of the stories you have about family and your relationship to it.
We will be sharing the tools that have supported us (Jeff & Charlotte) in creating new connections with family, and what has not worked.
By the end, you will walk away with new possibilities that will become the foundation for your next family gathering experiment 🧪
This event will take place on Zoom at 2PM EST on Tuesday 12/13/22
Exchange: $25
To Register send to: Venmo or PayPal
Email for alternate payment options or to request free participation.
After 2 years of working with clients in transformational containers, I’ve seen an interesting trend. Some clients get scattered. They struggle to keep focus and commitment.
Insight: Transformation requires direction.
This probably is not something new or groundbreaking to you and yet most of us haven’t gone through a formal initiation to distill our destiny.
Through my involvement with Possibility Management, I’ve gained lots of powerful tools. One set of these are Bright Principles. These are archetypal forces that are greater than our individual self and that can provide us within infinite energy for bringing our service to the world.
In this journey, we (yes, I’ll be doing it too) will uncover these forces that have been with us since birth and that already (unconsciously) drive our life. By bringing them out into conscious awareness we can more reliably access this energy to keep us on our path of radiant creation.
This is a formal process with 4 parts:
Part 1: Discovering & Distilling Your Destiny
Part 2: Choosing Your Destiny
Part 3: Adding Mass to Your Destiny – Your Practices
Part 4: Implementing Your Destiny – A Project
This event will be hosted on Zoom on Saturday, 11/6, @ 9:30a-1:00p PST.
We will also have a telegram chat group to share experiences and the results of experiments that we choose to do ongoing for 6wks.
The requested exchange is $22
Payment via PAYPAL or VENMO to Jeff
Connecting consciously to your anger is not something you NEED to do.
However, there is a reason you (and every other human) were given anger. It is not a design flaw.
And there are consequences to not training yourself on how to use it.
This container is a 4wk exploration of what it means to have a conscious relationship with anger. There are no guarantees of anything except that by the end you will have committed to getting to know yourself better by doing experiments with a group of other humans who are doing the same.
Zoom calls will happen once per week for 2hrs (Mondays @ 3:30-5:30p PST) starting on November 1st.
We will also have a telegram chat group to share experiences and the results of experiments that we choose to do between Zoom calls.
The requested exchange is $100
To REGISTER: fill the form below & send payment via paypal or venmo to Jeff
Heighten, strengthen, and experience your intuitive capacity over this 30 day Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Experience hosted by Charlotte (and Jeff), creators of Awaken Thy Soul Retreat!
Get in touch.
Not sure if an event is right for you? Let’s talk about.