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Dear Man,

To survive in this world you have sacrificed yourself. You have sacrificed your dreams, your true and authentic needs, your dignity, your passion, your fire, your soul.

You have allowed parts of you to stay in your mother’s hands so that you can have a safe place to run back when your risks don’t play out. As a result, you can unconsciously compete, abuse, destroy, and disrespect others.. and yourself.

You continue to unconsciously use your anger to compete with others, even your most beloved ones.

You pressurize and overwhelm yourself in order to achieve something such that you finally can be loved.

You use unconscious anger to defend and justify yourself to convince your partner that you already do everything that is possible instead of letting in what she has to say to you.

You unconsciously use fear to numb yourself and protect you from feeling anything, staying dead in the hamster wheel of a self-destructive system.

What if you use your anger to source what you really want in life and take a stand for it?

What if you use your anger to take care of yourself and your needs?

What if you use your anger to be fully present to face what is really going on?

What if you use your anger to be okay when you start to feel high intensities of fear about your old world falling apart?

What if you use your anger to truly love yourself and become alive? Is that even possible?

Yes, it is.

Your presence is missing in this world. It is time to take back your power. It starts here. Accompany us and other men on the journey to take back your anger.

Training Instructions:

There are eight essential rules in this Rage Club training:

Rule 1: Tell everybody about Rage Club.

Rule 2: Tell everybody about Rage Club.

Rule 3: Don't hurt yourself or anyone else. 

Rule 4: No drugs and no alcohol. (If you enter the meeting under the influence of drugs or alcohol, you must leave the group immediately. There are no refunds.) 

Rule 5: No eating during the meeting. 

Rule 6: Be at the meeting 5 minutes before it starts. Arriving later without letting the spaceholders know at least a day ahead of time is not possible.

Rule 7: If you miss 2 times you are out. No money back. 

Rule 8: Everything that is said in the group stays within the group. The online training is recorded and shared with group members so that missing group members can rework the session. These recordings must be treated confidentially and it is prohibited to pass them on to third parties without consent.

Spaceholders: Leonhard Geupel & Jeff Shub

4 Weeks

Dates: January 17, 24 & February 7, 14 | 2024 

Time: 10-12:30p Eastern US (6-8:30p Central European)

Meeting: online via Zoom

Fee: $120-240

January 15


September 6

Intro to RAGE CLUB for Men