It’s the topic that cannot be avoided and that also doesn’t get discussed very often.
This worktalk is born from our (Jacqueline and Jeff’s) necessity to discover how to relate in groundlessness. We come with questions and insights, and want to explore romantic relational space with you for what works and doesn’t in deepening a context between individuals on a pathless path.
This is not about archiarcal relationship because we are not there yet. This is about how it works on the bridge from Modern Culture to Archiarchy.
How do we work together, stay centered, distinguish our paths, unpack labels, acknowledge the white widows, and hold our swords high?
If you don’t know what these words mean, this will be a gateway to notice more subtle layers of relating that you may have never considered before.
We are cultivating a space between each other that walks an edge of owning our shit while being vulnerable about our underworlds. Embracing feedback as an act of care for the other to blossom into that which we have committed to. Using our energetic bodies to know when to bring more rage or gentleness to the moment.
It is a dance of nuances and a perpetual training ground for seeing ourselves clearly while staying in connection with one another, putting the larger purpose first for winning to happen. Keeping the humility of not knowing the answers alive to support unfolding magic and collaboration to co-create something bigger than us.