What does it mean to be a Man?
That is the question we are asking ourselves in this container. We cannot sit on what has been because it’s really not working anymore.
It’s time for something new.
Something we’ve never seen before.
Men’s work is very deep healing through connection and vulnerability (and also play).
This container is a 6wk exploration of what it means to be a Man. There are no guarantees of anything except that by the end you will have committed to getting to know yourself better by doing experiments with a group of Men who are doing the same.
Zoom calls will happen once per week for 1.5hrs (Tuesdays @ 5-6:30p PST) starting on October 26th.
We will also have a telegram chat group to share experiences and the results of experiments that we choose to do between Zoom calls.
To REGISTER: send payment via paypal or venmo to Jeff
CO-SPACEHOLDERS: Alex Schimmel & Michael Arnold